Day 11: Hit by a Car!
Day 11: Hit by a Car!
Today's film story is on my short film Photoception. I released this film two winters ago. It was actually made to get into NYU, but they turned me down. They are looking for those A+ students. They could care less about how good the film you submit it. Pretty sad for a film school.
Anyways, Photoception is a short film about a man who gets a mysterious photo of a guy hit by car slid under his door. He starts to do some investigating, but can't find any information on the photo. There is a lot more to this short, but I don't want to ruin it so go below and watch it and then come back here up here and finish reading.
SPOILER ALERT! So the ending is a huge plot twist! It is not a realistic story at all, but more of a sad future story. It is a terrible holiday film, but I wasn't going for happy. I was going for a holiday thriller film and I hope I pulled that off. One of the other endings that didn't make it was Kyle, who is the body hit by the car, pulling out a gun and shooting Greg. We decided the ending we went with was better.
A little behind the scenes of the film and how we pulled off the car hit. So I took one of my tripods and Haken and I went downtown in the middle of the night and propped up a dummy we built in the middle of the road and I plowed into it with my car. I destroyed the thing. It ended up looking pretty cool in the short. This short film was a lot of fun to make and I am really happy with how it turned out.
Lesson I learned: NYU doesn't care about your films, just your grades.