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Cottonwood Update #32: RS Weekend 2

On Sunday we were able to get a bunch of re shooting done. We had a couple of scenes with audio issues that we had planned to do. We had 4 different locations and so it was a very busy day. The most difficult location was Duffy's in Windom which is a bar and grill. It was pretty busy when we showed up and we had to set up all of our equipment.

We had extras come, but like I said it was busy, so we just made it even more busy. All of these pictures were taken by Julie Clerc!

As you can see we had all of our gear and crew crowded around the table with people eating in the background. Huge s/o to Duffy's and everyone who let us use them in the movie.

We also had to re-shoot a scene at River City Eatery because of a refrigerator we picked up when we filmed originally. Well we ended up having to unplug every fridge in the restaurant. Huge thanks to Mari for letting us literally unplug everything to get perfect audio. Also thanks to all the extras who came out for the River City scene!

Above we are filming in River City Eatery.

It is always great filming in local establishments because it is good promotion for them and it helps us out big time. Thanks to Hanson, Kyle, Greg, Tera, and Al for making time for these re shoots!

The movie is really coming together and I am continuing to tweak the edit. The premiere is on January 6th at the BARC in Windom at 7 PM. Tickets are now on sale at BARC!

Stay tuned for weekly updates!

Ethan Clerc

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