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Day 27: Ethan Clerc Shorts

Day 27: Ethan Clerc Shorts

Today's film story is about a series of short films done by Ethan Clerc Films called Ethan Clerc Shorts. The series consists of a bunch of short films all done in a different style. A lot of them are comedy, but there is horror, action, and drama in the mix. The series started in 2016 with a short comedy parody called Brost Adventures. The short is a parody of the TV show Ghost Adventures. From here the series took off and went all over the place. It started with simple videos and quickly grew to longer shorts with more complicated set ups.

These short films are not supposed to be masterpieces. Most of them only take us a day or two to film and usually a day to edit. They are simple, but fun. I love making films so why not make films. People will argue quality over quantity and that is totally fine, but I would way rather be constantly making films and learning from my mistakes than waiting around and planning for one film hoping it turns out perfect.

These shorts are made for no budget with my friends. We have a lot of fun making them and with each one I learn something important. There is no class you can take or book you can read that will equal actually going out and shooting films. The purpose of Ethan Clerc Shorts and everything I do is to have fun and constantly learn from my mistakes. I have learned so much by making short little videos. The experiences are priceless and we always have a ton of fun making them!

Check out the playlist of Ethan Clerc Shorts here!

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