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Cottonwood Update #10: The Bowling Alley

Filming continues as we move into the 3rd week in June. We have really been working hard and putting in some long hours. The cast and crew has been working great together and I couldn't be happier. We have done some huge scenes that require a lot of set-up and the grip and electric crew has done excellent.

We were able to film at the Sunbowl in Windom which is one of my favorite locations to film at. I love how retro it is. It has so much character that makes it easy to film beautiful shots in it. Thanks to Ronda and Gordy Porath!

We were also able to film out at John Holt's hunting cabin. This was better than the location I had envisioned in my head. Everything about it is perfect inside and outside. It was awesome to film out there.

We were also able to film at the Windom Area Hospital. Thanks to the Hospital Board for letting us film in a room and use actual equipment. Was an awesome time!

Filming has really been going great. We have quite a bit left, but I am confident in what we've done and what is ahead.

Until next time!

Ethan Clerc

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